Pregnancy Tests
When should I take a pregnancy test?
Still not sure if you’re pregnant?
When it comes to a pregnancy test – timing is important! The best time to take a pregnancy test, according to the Mayo Clinic, is at least a week after your missed period.
How does a pregnancy test work?
A pregnancy test detects whether the HCG hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin hormone, is in your body. This hormone rises after conception and continues to increase at the beginning stages of pregnancy.
There are both urine and blood pregnancy tests. At The Well PRC, free and lab quality urine pregnancy tests are available for our clients.
What should I do next?
While at-home pregnancy tests are mostly accurate when properly done, there is always a chance for error. To confirm your at-home pregnancy test results, receive pregnancy testing by a medical professional at our center today.
While a positive pregnancy test can confirm increased HCG levels in your system, it doesn’t verify pregnancy. You can benefit from a limited obstetric ultrasound for your second step to pregnancy confirmation.
Schedule your free and confidential pregnancy test appointment with us today.
Contact us or call (435) 652-8343.

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